menu types,item name,item description,short name for printer,priority,Size,, ESPRESSO & COFFEE,,ESPRESSO & COFFEE,,100,Tall,Grande,Veinte ,Brewed Coffee,Brewed Coffee,Brewed Coffee,200,$1.80 ,$2.00 ,$2.15 ,Americano,Americano,Americano,190,$2.15 ,$2.50 ,$2.95 ,Cafe Latte,Cafe Latte,Cafe Latte,180,$2.99 ,$3.59 ,$3.89 ,Vanilla Latte,Vanilla Latte,Vanilla Latte,170,$3.49 ,$4.09 ,$4.39 ,Cappuccino,Cappuccino,Cappuccino,160,$2.99 ,$3.59 ,$3.89 ,Breve,Breve,Breve,150,$3.25 ,$3.75 ,$4.15 ,Cafe Mocha,Cafe Mocha,Cafe Mocha,140,$3.25 ,$3.95 ,$4.35 ,Caramel Macchiato,Caramel Macchiato,Caramel Macchiato,130,$3.45 ,$4.15 ,$4.45 ,Sugar-Free Mocha,Sugar-Free Mocha,Sugar-Free Mocha,120,$3.70 ,$4.20 ,$4.55 ,White Choc. Mocha,White Choc. Mocha,White Choc. Mocha,110,$3.65 ,$4.25 ,$4.55 ,Intense Dark Mocha,Intense Dark Mocha,Intense Dark Mocha,100,$3.80 ,$4.30 ,$4.55 ,Cafe A luat ,Cafe A luat ,Cafe A luat ,90,$2.19 ,$2.49 ,$2.89 ,Macchiato/Con Panna,Macchiato/Con Panna,Macchiato/Con Panna,80,$1.80 ,$2.10 , ,Ice Coffee,Ice Coffee,Ice Coffee,70,$1.95 ,$2.50 ,$2.95 TEAS & COCOA,,TEAS & COCOA,,90, Tall , Grande , Veinte ,Brewed Tea,Brewed Tea,Brewed Tea,200,$1.90 ,$2.15 ,$2.45 ,Iced Tea,Iced Tea,Iced Tea,190,$1.90 ,$2.15 ,$2.45 ,Matcha Green Tea,Matcha Green Tea,Matcha Green Tea,180,$2.19 ,$2.39 ,$2.69 ,Matcha Green Tea Latte,Matcha Green Tea Latte,Matcha Green Tea Latte,170,$3.19 ,$3.69 ,$3.89 ,Chai Tea Latte,Chai Tea Latte,Chai Tea Latte,160,$3.25 ,$3.69 ,$3.89 ,Guayaki Mate Latte,Guayaki Mate Latte,Guayaki Mate Latte,150,$3.29 ,$3.69 ,$4.19 ,Guayaki Mate Mocha,Guayaki Mate Mocha,Guayaki Mate Mocha,140,$3.69 ,$4.19 ,$4.69 ,Hot Cocoa,Hot Cocoa,Hot Cocoa,130,$2.60 ,$2.95 ,$3.20 ,Ice Tea Lemonade ,Ice Tea Lemonade ,Ice Tea Lemonade ,120,$2.49 ,$2.95 ,$3.45 ,Kid's Cocoa,Kid's Cocoa,Kid's Cocoa,110,$1.50 ,, BELLACCINO,,,,, Tall , Grande , Veinte ,Creme,Creme,Creme,200,$3.29 ,$3.79 ,$4.25 ,Espresso,Espresso,Espresso,190,$3.65 ,$3.99 ,$4.55 ,Mocha,Mocha,Mocha,180,$3.89 ,$4.29 ,$4.79 ,Caramel,Caramel,Caramel,170,$3.89 ,$4.29 ,$4.79 ,Matcha Green Tea,Matcha Green Tea,Matcha Green Tea,160,$4.49 ,$4.99 ,$5.39 GOURMET SHAKES,,GOURMET SHAKES,,, Tall , Grande , Veinte ,Vanilla Bean,Vanilla Bean,Vanilla Bean,200,$4.39 ,$5.09 ,$5.59 ,Chocolate,Chocolate,Chocolate,190,$4.39 ,$5.09 ,$5.59 ,Espresso,Espresso,Espresso,180,$4.39 ,$5.09 ,$5.59 ,Mocha,Mocha,Mocha,170,$4.69 ,$5.29 ,$5.79 ,Vanilla Bean with Oreo,Vanilla Bean with Oreo,Vanilla Bean with Oreo,160,$4.69 ,$5.29 ,$5.79 ,Chocolate with Oreo,Chocolate with Oreo,Chocolate with Oreo,150,$4.69 ,$5.29 ,$5.79 GOURMET FROZEN DESSERTS,,GOURMET FROZEN DESSERTS,,70, Desert ,, ,Shot,Shot,Shot,100,$2.19 ,, ,Cone,Cone,Cone,90,$2.39 ,, ,Dish,Dish,Dish,70,$3.09 ,, ,Affogato,Affogato,Affogato,60,$3.59 ,, TANGOS/SMOOTHIES,,TANGOS/SMOOTHIES,,60, Tall , Grande , Veinte ,Caribbean Colada,Caribbean Colada,Caribbean Colada,100,$3.39 ,$3.99 ,$4.29 ,Mango,Mango,Mango,90,$3.39 ,$3.99 ,$4.29 ,Strawberry Banana,Strawberry Banana,Strawberry Banana,70,$3.39 ,$3.99 ,$4.29 ,Wildberry,Wildberry,Wildberry,60,$3.39 ,$3.99 ,$4.29