class: SmartyResource mimetype: text Splickit Close Of Business Report FOR DATE: {$resource->for_date} ID: {$resource->numeric_id} Name: {$resource->name} Addr: {$resource->address1|escape} City: {$resource->city|escape} {if $resource->do_not_show_totals eq 'false'} Total Orders: {$resource->order_count} Total Items: {$resource->order_qty} Tax Rate: {$resource->tax_rate} Total Amt: ${$resource->order_amt} Total Taxes: ${$resource->total_tax_amt} Total Tips: ${$resource->tip_amt} Total Deliv: ${$resource->delivery_amt} Total Promo: ${$resource->promo_amt} --------------------------------------- Grand Total: ${$resource->grand_total} {else} There were no orders today {/if} If any of the above information is not correct please call us at: 1.888.775.4254