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Welcome to Splickit



Dear Merchant,

We have received a number of requests from Merchants to change the days of week currently being used to make weekly payments. Currently weekly payments cover the preceeding Tuesday thru Monday. Based on the feedback we have received we will change it to cover Monday thru Sunday. This schedule is the normal reporting period used by most Merchants.

This change will transition next week on March the 6th. The March 6th payment will include orders from Tuesday February 28th thru Sunday March 4th. The following statement on Tuesday March 13th, will be for the full week - Monday March 5th thru Sunday March 11th.

If you have any questions during this process please contact us at or call 1-888-SPLICKIT (775-4254).

Please email questions or requests to

© 2011 splick•it, Inc. 1405 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO 80302