class: SmartyResource mimetype: text W9 Request


New IRS Reporting Rules

New IRS reporting rules require that all 2015 third party credit card processing for your business be reported. To satisfy this rule, please complete the attached W-9 form and fax it back to (720) 221-4905 OR email it back to

This form is required in addition to the Tax ID number you have already entered on the merchant portal.

Please identify the store location that the W9 represents by providing the store address in the email or on the fax.

Please forward the W9 for the following location:

Merchant ID: {$resource->data.object_id}
Store ID: {$resource->data.merchant_external_id}
Address: {$resource->data.address1}
City: {$resource->} {$resource->data.state}, {$resource->}
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