class: SmartyResource mimetype: text Untitled Document

Welcome to Splickit





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Dear Franchisee,

We wanted to share with you some news about a recent option we've added to the Splick-it Merchant Portal. We heard from some of you that you would prefer to receive payments on a monthly basis rather than via our standard weekly payment transfer. This will help spread the $1.00 ACH fee over a month's time rather than weekly.

Per this feedback, we've added a new option to the Splick-it Merchant Portal, so you can now choose to receive your payment transfers on a Weekly (default) or Monthly basis.

How to Change Your Payment Cycle

Login to your Splick-it Merchant Account at
On the Info tab, select the "Monthly" option from the Payment Cycle drop-down
Click Save

Your Splick-it Portal Credentials

Portal URL:

User Name:




Please note that if you take no action, you will continue to receive payments on a weekly basis. You may change this preference at any time.

We greatly appreciate the feedback we receive from all of you, and we will continue to use it to help us make Splick-it the best experience possible.

If you have questions or concerns please contact us at 1.888.775.4254 or


The order140 Team

Please email questions or requests to

© 2020 Order140 Inc.